Elgar E. Elephant and Pachelbel Penguin explore a Magical Music History Book and soon find themselves introducing Beethoven Bear and Mozart Mouse to classic themes, such as Trumpet Voluntary, Anvil...
The Music for Little Mozarts Recital Book 3 includes motivational music to reinforce performance concepts that are introduced in the Music Lesson Books. The book includes an all new story...
Fun with Music Friends Coloring Books feature a story extension of the curriculum, for motivation when away from home or traveling, or to engage a younger sibling in a "pretend"...
Fun with Music Friends Coloring Books feature a story extension of the curriculum, for motivation when away from home or traveling, or to engage a younger sibling in a "pretend"...
The Teacher's Handbook for Levels 3 & 4 of Music for Little Mozarts serves as an aid in curriculum development and daily lesson planning while providing information related to teaching...
The unique Music Discovery Book contains songs that allow the students to experience music through singing, movement and rhythm activities. Music appreciation is fostered through carefully chosen music; Brahms, Chopin,...
Lesson Book 4 is the last in the Music for Little Mozarts series. After a review, the new concepts taught are: Flat and sharp sign; Tie; Crescendo and diminuendo. After...
The unique Music Discovery Book contains songs that allow the students to experience music through singing, movement and rhythm activities. Music appreciation is fostered through carefully chosen music; Haydn, Joplin,...
The Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 1 reinforces note-reading skills based on the concepts introduced in the Music Lesson Book 1. Each page of the Notespeller & Sight-Play Book has two...
The Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 4 reinforces note-reading skills based on the concepts introduced in the Music Lesson Book 4. Each page has two activities---a written activity and a playing...
The Notespeller & Sight-Play Book 3 reinforces note-reading skills based on the concepts introduced in the Music Lesson Book 3. Each page of the Notespeller & Sight-Play Book has two...
The Music Workbook contains pages of coloring, tracing, matching, ear training and listening that have been carefully designed to reinforce the musical concepts introduced in the Music Lesson Book 3....