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Novellas, Bk 1 PS 2028 E3 E4 MD1 MD2 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Novellas, Bk 1 PS 2028 E3 E4 MD1 MD2 MD3

The Novellas are composed in a variety of contemporary styles, offering unique technical challenges for study while providing musically satisfying and appealing performance pieces. The compositions are carefully created to challenge the...
Branches Anthology, Vol 3 PS 2028 MD3 VD1
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Branches Anthology, Vol 3 PS 2028 MD3 VD1

Branches (2022) contains 13 Late Intermediate Piano Solos and takes teachers and students to new heights, branching out into greater complexity both technically and interpretively. This latest collection brings new...
Five Dreams PS 2028 MD2 MD3 D1
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Five Dreams PS 2028 MD2 MD3 D1

In preparation for Impressionist style, these pieces contain dynamics that range from pianissimo to forte, opportunities for quarter-, half-, and flutter-pedal, and tempos ranging from adagio to allegro. Extended keyboard...
Moments in Time Book 1 PS 2028 MD3 D1 D2
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Moments in Time Book 1 PS 2028 MD3 D1 D2

We all have moments in time that influence us. The pieces in this artistic collection range from light-hearted, imaginative impressions such as Sparkling Fountain, Night Pursuit, and At Break of...
Nature's Cacophony Book 2 PS 2028 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Nature's Cacophony Book 2 PS 2028 MD3

A perfect collection for pre-teen and teenage students who are picky with what repertoire they want to study and play. Diverse and contemporary writing that advance skills and showmanship. Each...
Imaginations Book 3 PS 2028 MD2 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Imaginations Book 3 PS 2028 MD2 MD3

Seven pieces in various genres---lyrical, rock, ballad, jazz, and more---offer your students motivating repertoire that will keep them playing and practicing. Kevin knows what teenagers want to play---these selections are...
Reflections and Relaxations PS 2028 M MD1 MD2 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Reflections and Relaxations PS 2028 M MD1 MD2 MD3

These eight insightful pieces are perfect for advancing pianists and were designed to give them the opportunity to reflect on various elements of life, past and present. Six are originals....
Festive Overture PS 2028 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Festive Overture PS 2028 MD3

This new solo is packed full of energy and excitement! A flashy showpiece for late-intermediate level pianists, this work was commissioned by the Minnesota Federation of Music Clubs in celebration...
Lyric Rhapsody PS 2028 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Lyric Rhapsody PS 2028 MD3

Lyric Rhapsody is a flowing, lyrical piano solo written in 9/8 and in the key of E minor. This piece will provide students exposure and practice interpreting the lyrical style...
In Recital for the Advancing Pianist Bk.1 PS 2028 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

In Recital for the Advancing Pianist Bk.1 PS 2028 MD3

In Recital? for the Advancing Pianist- Original Solos, Book 1 contains musically engaging original solos by leading FJH composers. These original pieces showcase new works for the student who is...
Rhapsody PS 2028 MD2 MD3
Federation SoloFederation/Supplementary Print

Rhapsody PS 2028 MD2 MD3

Features seven impressive piano solos for the intermediate pianist! All the solos feature different moods combined with exciting technical challenges that are easy to put together (with practice!) and are...