Availability: In Stock

* Thirty favorite hymns are arranged in a continuous medley for organ prelude-allowing you to start anywhere and end anywhere. Pedal notes included within the staff. ---Hymns included in this volume: ---As I Search the Holy Scriptures--Because I Have Been Given Much--Children of Our Heavenly Father--Choose the Right--Come Let us Anew--Count Your Blessings--Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd--Do What is Right--Each Life That Touches Ours for Good--Father Cheer Our Souls Tonight--From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise--God Moves in a Mysterious Way--Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth--I Have Work Enough to Do--If You Could Hie to Kolob--Know This That Every Soul Is Free--Lord I Would Follow Thee--Love at Home--O Love That Glorifies the Son--O My Father--Oh Say What Is Truth--Oh Holy Words of Truth and Love--Oh What Songs of the Heart--The Iron Rod--The Time is Far Spent--Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses--We are Sowing--We Love Thy House O God--Welcome Welcome Sabbath Morning--Who's on the Lord's Side

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